Saturday 26 April 2008

Day 7 - Nipplebeard, the most feared pirate on these seas

Same as yesterday, beach followed by food. Although we have left the broken bag for repair while we journey to the Big Island. So, a few random thoughts.

Birds just don't care. Our balcony on the 19th floor has played host to plenty of birds who consider us to be intruding on their airspace. So they land, have a look around (including inside the room) and then fly off. On the beach, they just wander in and around everybody.

If you see a picture of Waikiki Beach, it looks quite big, but crowded by skyscrapers. In fact it is quite shallow and the skyscrapers far enough apart to not make you feel hemmed in.

California Pizza Kitchen does amazing pizzas. Between that and CheeseBurger, we are well catered for when it comes to quality food. The biggest lines we have seen are outside the Cheesecake Factory but the aforementioned eateries are better and cheaper. OK, so they aren't the most adventurous choice on the menu but sometimes we are professional travellers and sometimes we are just tourists.

Taxis are quite expensive - each taxi ride we have taken has cost us $10.

The "seven day weather forecast" on the local TV is the biggest waste of time. I kid you not, the forecast for the next week was 84,84,84,85,84,85,83.

Despite all the hot weather - I'm developing a cold.

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